The recipients

The project aim is to create a shared environment in which to gather ideas and information about biostimulant products. BIOSTIMOLA project aims at the maximum sharing and dissemination of the knowledge that will be generated by the different planned activities. Particular attention will be paid to the involvement of young farmers and women employed in agriculture.

The BIOSTIMOLA project is addressed to:

  • Farmers, which will be able to make use of the skills acquired during participation in one or more of the scheduled events to define protocols for the use of biostimulants and economically and environmentally sustainable approaches;
  • Technicians and consultants, who will be able to learn fundamental notions to be conveyed, at a later stage, to their clients/customers in the area;
  • Delears of agricultural products and technical tools;
  • Producers of biostimulants and fertilisers;
  • Students at agricultural institutes in the Lombardy region and at the local Faculty of Agriculture;
  • other stakeholders

Communication channels will be created and all the stakeholders of the project will be reached and kept up-to-date through: press article, posters, mailing lists, Facebook groups, WhatsApp or Telegram groups, etc.